
This issue marks the first birthday of the Club, a year in which we have seen relatively little support for our favourite machine. Only a handful of programs are available, and there has been an almost abortive attempt to give the Z88 its own magazine(no sign of the second issue yet!) Let’s all hope that the next year holds more excitment for the Z88 and its many users around the world.

Z88 EPROM is fuller than ever this issue – I have changed to printing it out in 12-pitch rather than my normal 10-pitch, in an effort to put in more members’ articles, and reduce my pile of articles awaiting inclusion. Printing it in 12-pitch amounts to 20% extra text!

Following the recent additions to the Software Library, I have been getting a large quantity of EPROMs for copying. This has meant many a happy hour spent copying software, and has left me with less time than normal to answer members 1 queries and do the thousand and one other things involved in running the Club. In order to relieve my workload slightly, Ian Braby has kindly offered to take on the running of the Software Library, and has been duly appointed as Club Software Librarian. In future be sure to send all requests for software, and items inclusion in the Library, to Ian at the address above. Ian will also erase EPROMs , which can be sent to either address.

On the point of EPROM erasure, would you please include the 50p erasure fee in cash, as it takes roe a long time to process and bank all the cheques the Club receives anyway, without having dozens of extra cheques for 50p. Another point with EPROMs, some people still insist on sending them in a normal envelope, which is very dangerous and likely to lead to loss in the post. Finally, although many people don’t bother with 32k EPROMs, those of you who normally send them recorded delivery might like to try a cheaper service – ask for a free Certificate of Posting when you post it – this gives compensation of up to £20 in the event of loss.

A couple of quick moans: Still no sign of the Advanced User Guide from Protechnic; no sign of the BASIC guide from M-Tec – what do they think they are playing at?

I was hoping to put part one of my review of PC PipeDream in this issue , but problems with my PC have prevented me from doing this. A review will definitely appear in the next issue , but if you cannot wait, by the time you read this I should have an intermediate review , and will be able to supply advance copies if you send me a stamped addressed envelope clearly marked “PC PipeDream Review”.